Sunday, July 20, 2008

Family Life

So for one reason or another, I haven't posted on this since the day I created it, so now I'll try to change my ways and catch up a little bit.

We are expecting a baby around December 5th. We found out this last Friday that it's a little girl. We're excited to welcome a new little life into our home, and we're bracing ourselves for the lack of sleep and the crazy schedule of taking classes and taking care of baby. I'm four months along and need to expand my maternity wardrobe, but feeling pretty good. Skyler's been great about taking care of me and being patient with the quirks that come along with pregnancy (especially the hyperactive sense of smell that used to cause me to pull away anytime he even wanted to hug me). He's going to be a great daddy and is already planning out all the things he wants to teach "daddy's little girl."

These are some of Baby's first pictures--each has written on it what it is.
I bet she has my feet. ;)

This looks pretty skull-like, but on the DVD they made for us you could see the shots
vary from the face to the structure of the skull. It's pretty incredible to see her developing.